The Taiwan-Malaysian Innovation Center for Clean Water and Sustainable Energy (WISE Center), established in November 2018 under the financial support of Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), was jointly funded by National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia (UTM), UniversitiSains Malaysia (USM) and Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP). In December 2018, WISE Center was co-organized with NTHU to hold the “2018 Sustainable Environment and Energy Development International Workshop (SEED)” during December 6 – 15. A total of 40 researchers including Vice Presidents, Deans, Chairpersons, professors, and reporter from 8 New South-Bound Countries have attended SEED workshop. A reporter from Radio Nepal also attended this workshop and was impressed on the educational and research activity of NTHU. She wrote an article entitled “Paradise on the Earth” on the Rajdhani National Daily, Nepal to introduce the beauty of Taiwan to Nepalese.